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Arrested perpetrators of aromatic theft
On 06.09.t.g. burglary is committed theft of perfumery kiosk located in the village of the Black Sea - as a result of police action taken by officers of the Regional Management Fifth MI - Burgas to keep the perpetrators of theft - these are: criminals - R.I., 19 years, his brother - M.I., 16 years old and A.A., 14 years old, all from the same village. Found that young people are perpetrators of burglary and theft from the home village in the Black Sea, where it is withdrawn el.trion. Част от отнетите вещи са получени срещу протокол за доброволно предаване. A.A. and M.I. are brought into the Home for temporary accommodation of minors and R.I. was arrested with an arrest within 24 hours. Work on documenting the criminal activities of individuals continues.
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Разгледана: 5045 пъти
GENESIS of the phenomenon Mitio Eyes
What dreams Mitio eyes in jail? Be the first tour group policies that would make inmates ... Recognizes himself in his first television interview. "We show you the only television interview Mitio eyes, and when done it!" - Martin tells Karbovski in the first edition of the new television season the social underground "Fatherland Front". "I'll show you Stanka aunt - the mother of Dimitar Zhelyazkov. As a view it will soon become clear what a rebel is a rebel's eyes and whether the parent is not food - there's this song ... Watch carefully and look for the human element! Stanka picturesque aunt Zhelyazkova more clearly reveals the genesis of this phenomenon in our first television interview. She is absolutely convinced of the innocence of his son. And neither she nor her son feel a sense of guilt. In both words and no remorse ... You'll see the hero of our time - bandit-ogre with little conviction. "

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Разгледана: 11430 пъти
Турнир по тенис за любители ще се проведе в Бургас
В Бургас на 12 и 13 септември /събота и неделя/ на кортовете в Морската градина ще се проведе турнира по тенис на корт за аматьори „Creditreform Open 2009”.
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Разгледана: 5610 пъти
for an autograph before biology and engineers
Typically, the authors of the books are content to appear before his readers with his books, talk to them something, give them autographs bighead, drink champagne, if there are s so.
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Разгледана: 5952 пъти
Began the demolition of one of the illegal "slums" in Bourgas
On Tuesday / 08.09.2009 on / started a major operation to remove one of the illegal "slums" in Burgas. Exactly at 8.30 pm heavy machinery to collect the plate Gorna Ezerovo route from locality Kapcheto. Non-registered buildings to be demolished by the end of September in Upper Ezerovo are 27. For all orders have been issued due to the forced removal of the Directorate for National Construction Supervision / DNSK / - Sofia. Orders are accompanied by the letter of assignment from DNSK.
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Разгледана: 7004 пъти
Вивиана Асса разкри сурови истини за знакови убийства в България на премиерата на „Любовни убийства”
Criminal journalist Viviana Assa presented his book "Love killings" in the temple of the book bookstore Helikon in Bourgas. The premiere was attended by Deputy Mayor of Bourgas municipality Dr. Loris Manuelyan, director of MI-sh Burgas Milen Dimitrov Kaloyan Kaloyanov his deputy, the owner of the chain bookstores Jordan Panayotov, public figures, writers, journalists, literary critics, and famous businesswoman readers. Even before the official presentation of the book she had bought, which is unprecedented, according to experts from knigorazprostranenieto. "Love killing is published by the authoritative edition Ciela because levels are depleted rapidly increasing circulation.
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Разгледана: 8214 пъти
катастрофа с полицаи
На 07.09.т.г. около 12.00 ч. на кръстовището на бургаските улици Иван Вазов и Шейново възниква пътен инцидент между : л.а. «Тойота», с бургаска регистрация, управляван от 29 год. Д.Д. от Бургас и полицейски автомобил «Опел астра».
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Разгледана: 5333 пъти
Bourgas Plaza Mall organize a holiday for all students
On September 13, 2009 (Sunday) in Bourgas Plaza Mall will be a real feast for all students and their parents. The festive program on the occasion of the first school day will start at 11.00 am and will continue until early afternoon. The organizers have prepared a lot of games, competitions, surprises and countless awards for students.

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Разгледана: 8162 пъти
IV етап от Международната колоездачна обиколка на България
In Bourgas will complete phase IV of the 59th International Cycling Tour of Bulgaria. On 10 September / Thursday / 17.00 hours in the column of 300 players will finish in front of the Municipality of Burgas.

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Разгледана: 5381 пъти
Изложба в Бургас на Валерий Плотников 8 септември, след 17,00ч
Валери Плотников е роден на 20 октомври 1943 г. в Санкт-Петербург. Учил е в Художественото училище, а след това и в Художествената Академия. Завършва кинооператорско майсторство в ВГИК (Висшия Държавен Институт за Киноизкуство) през 1969 г.
Валерий Плотников се занимава професионално с фотография още от началото на 60-те години.
Първата му самостоятелна фотоизложба е в Дома на киното в Санкт-Петербург през 1976 г.
През 1999 г. излиза от печат първият му фотоалбум– "Чистосърдечна фотография. Моментална и завинаги”, а през 2003 г. като неговото продължение - албумът "Портрет на отминаващата епоха”.

През 2004 г. е публикуван третият фотоалбум "Висоцки. Таганка”.

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Разгледана: 7123 пъти
Burgas welcomes three miraculous icons of Virgin Mary
Three miraculous icons of Virgin Mary's image of monasteries in Kiev / Ukraine / will visit in Bourgas 9, 10 and 11 September, Wednesday-Friday. They will be welcomed at 15.00 hours on 9 September in the Cathedral of St. Cyril and Methodius University, where he will stay for worship at 15.00 hours on 11 spetemvri. During their stay guests and citizens of the city will be able to make them their prayers.
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Разгледана: 17268 пъти
official presentation of the newly appointed Director of the Regional Directorate of Interior Burgas
With the official presentation of the newly appointed Director of the Regional Directorate of Interior Burgas - Chief Inspector Milen Dimitrov started the usual «large» operativka with the Mayor of Burgas - Mr. Dimitar Nikolov. Vice before the audience. Mayors, territorial directors and mayors of the constituent villages, heads of directorates, heads of departments and representatives of the companies with which the Municipality of Burgas in partnerships - «Titan», «Burgas bus», «Burgas markets», «Burgas Flowers» and others., chief inspector Milen Dimitrov announced its vision for greater effectiveness in combating domestic crime and organized crime. It was emphasized his desire to complaints lodged by citizens and signals to that feedback, and monitor their process worked and give feedback to applicants. Had explicitly mentioned the importance of building a mechanism for interaction with local authorities and mayors in smaller settlements, for they know whom to call in the heavy moment they need. The desire of the provincial police director is to return people to feel that the police is to serve society and not a repressive apparatus.

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Разгледана: 7557 пъти
Burgas Municipality requested clock mode Blvd Zahari Stoyanov
The executor of the repair Blvd Zahari Stoyanov "will switch to clock mode.

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Разгледана: 5541 пъти
Напусна ни завинаги големия наш писател Никола Странджански
На 7 септември 2009 година след тежко боледуване на 77-годишна възраст почина писателят Никола Странджански. Погребението е днес в София.
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Разгледана: 5773 пъти
New Director of the Regional Directorate of Interior Burgas
By Order of the Minister of Interior - Tsvetan Tsvetanov current Director of the Regional Directorate of the Interior - Burgas - Vasil Edrev Commissioner shall be relieved of their position. For the managing director was appointed Chief Inspector - Milen Dimitrov, Head of the sector so far «Criminal Police» - ODMVR - Burgas.
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Разгледана: 10085 пъти
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