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Балъков: Влизаме в тежка серия със самочувствие и без контузии
„След петте мача, които изиграхме успешно, влизаме в тежка серия. Добре е, че натрупахме самочувствие и нямаме контузии преди трудните изпитания. Не изпитваме притеснения от спортно-техническо естество. Момчетата тренират с удоволствие”, заяви мениджърът на „Черноморец -Бургас” Красимир Балъков на традиционната си пресконференция преди всеки кръг от „А” група. На 19 септември /събота/ вторите във временното класиране играят от 19 ч на стадион „Лазур” с „Пирин”. Мачът е от 6-тия кръг на първенството.

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Разгледана: 6513 пъти
Драматична загуба на ветераните на „Черноморец” след дузпи
Във финален двубой за излъчване на полуфиналиста от Югоизточна България в републиканския турнир на ветераните, бургаските „акули” загубиха драматично от тима на Ботев Пловдив след изпълнение на дузпи с 5:4.
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Разгледана: 5403 пъти
Fernandez and Morris trained with the ball

The two injured players of the "sharks" Matthias Adrian Fernandez and Morris trained today on a par with their colleagues. According to the medical staff of the team, they are fully prepared for serious loads, waiting for them in league matches.
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Разгледана: 5486 пъти
uniform rules for the protection and security in schools Burgas
Mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov will initiate a meeting with the regional directorate of the police in Burgas, from education specialists and psychologists, whose purpose will be made uniform rules for the protection and security in Burgas schools.

The idea is to produce a single manual that can be applied to all school in the municipality and rented out by private guards.
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Разгледана: 6948 пъти
Response from international folklore festival
Days after the end of the 37th edition of the International Folklore Festival, repercussions of involvement in the 11 colorful composition, finding its place in the foreign media. Fascinated by the atmosphere of the city and the warm welcome from Burgas audience, the participants wished to share their emotions and to make sympathetic magic and folklore of the people in their countries.
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Разгледана: 6805 пъти
Mayor Dimitar Nikolov launch of first day of school in Bourgas
Mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov, Deputy Mayor of Education Yordanka spring Ananieva attended today / September 15, Tuesday / the official opening of the academic year in school "St. Kliment Ohridski" in hc "Sunrise", which in 2009 - so celebrated its 125 - year anniversary.

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Разгледана: 7474 пъти
Hubchev: Labor and the diligence of the boys received a reward
"Success against the" Flash "can not but me happy, but I am even more pleased that the work and diligence of the young guys got paid. Since I took over the team, I can say I'm impressed by the professional zeal with which the train, "commented coach Chernomorets-Pomorie Petar Hubchev after a 4:2 victory over the team from Targoviste in the 5-th round of the Eastern B "group. The match, played in Stara Zagora was second and last sentence of Pomorie of "sharks" deprivation of household.
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Разгледана: 5446 пъти
Tsarevo will have its own museum
Begin reconstruction of the former summer movies, which for years nedostroeno stands in the center of Tsarevo. The building will be converted into the largest municipal museum in the southern Black Sea coast. Implementation of the reconstruction will officially start on Monday in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Culture, directors of museums, archaeologists, said the municipal administration.
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Разгледана: 5965 пъти
Tedi Moskov closes the festival
Spectacular "sleeping beauty" of Teddy Moskov realized with kuklenitsi Varna, tonight is the last title of the theatrical poster of the festival "On shore".
Experimenter-director this time is unleashed on your fantasy works of Sigmund Freud and Charles Perrault. That has created another strange bacchanalia of images is confirmed by his words: "You'll see a flock of flying books, squares, the framework for people to learn the Stamat Petrov and George Clooney ... Abe sleep. "
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Разгледана: 6421 пъти
"Sharks" - veterans of the quarterfinal against Botev Plovdiv
On Thursday from 17 hours in Sliven city stadium will play the final game at Southeast zone between veterans Chernomorets - Burgas and Botev Plovdiv. Both teams reached the uninitiated to this stage of the tournament, having recorded impressive results
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Разгледана: 5557 пъти
Orlin Starokin returned to action after injury
The young footballer played 45 minutes to duplicate team Chernomorets - Burgas against Lokomotiv Mezdra. Starokin a muscle injury, then spent the viral disease and, in three weeks to restore.
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Разгледана: 5549 пъти
First win for "Chernomorets - Pomorie
The players of "Chernomorets - Pomorie won the first three points in the championship of the East" B "group, then clearly a 4:2 victory over the Lightning" Targovishte. The two teams met in Stara Zagora, Pomorie sharks as punishment for serving a custodial household, which expires after this match of the fifth round.
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Разгледана: 5535 пъти
The mayor congratulated the teachers, parents and students with new academic year
Mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov and his deputy Yordanka Ananieva will tomorrow attend the official opening of the academic year in school "Kliment Ohridski", which in 2009 - celebrating 125 th anniversary.
Vice. Mayor Atanaska Nikolova European Integration will be in high school mathematics, and Dr. Loris Manuelyan - in English school. Both are alumni of the schools.
The Secretary of the Burgas Municipality Bozhidar Kanchev would send his son to school "Cyril and Methodius", Deputy. Mayor Krassimir Stoychev Finance - Commercial in high school.
The mayor sent to principals, teachers and students of schools Burgas congratulation for the launch of the new school year.
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Разгледана: 7558 пъти
In Slaveikov burning car ... malfunction
On 14.09.t.g. around 00.15 am in the second administration of the Regional MI - Burgas received notice of a burning car "Opel Vectra",
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Разгледана: 5504 пъти
On 13.09.t.g. around 21.40 am in the second administration of the Regional MI - Bourgas is the message received by a group of youths gathered in front entrance. 6 bl. 9 in the complex "Slaveikov», so that guy from the block has not made threats, using a gun in order to encourage them to move a parked car in front.
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Разгледана: 5271 пъти
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