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On September 13, 2009 (Sunday) in Bourgas Plaza Mall will be a real feast for all students and their parents. The festive program on the occasion of the first school day will start at 11.00 am and will continue until early afternoon. The organizers have prepared a lot of games, competitions, surprises and countless awards for students.
Entertainment will begin with a fashion parade of winners of the contest Mini Miss and Mister Burgas. The little witch will provide autumn collections of retail chains in the malls, which include some of the leading brands, offering clothing for children - Carnival Kids, Mothercare, Deichmann, Kolev & Kolev. Festivities will continue with dancing lessons, quizzes, games, competitions and dance performances. As each holiday for participants in the games there will be many gifts to the first day of school, provided by Benetton, Jou Jou, Fuji, Subra, Valentino chocolate house, Kolev & Kolev. In Bourgas Plaza Mall summer mood continues!
For more information:
Elica Tepsizova, Viveka Positive Communications, +359 2 980 45 87, + 359 894 649 554
08.09.2009 15:25
Ключови думи: Бургас Плаза Мол, Бургас Плаза, Бургас, Мол, ученици, родители, първи учебен ден, игри, състезания, изненади, награди за ученици,