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The project "Blue Zone" - the emphasis in the discussion of TD-2010 in the "Littoral", Bourgas, Burgas

Mainly young people living within the Directorate Littoral, were involved in yet another discussion of the municipal budget for 2010. Vesselina Ilieva chief architect and vice-mayors and Kostadin Markov Loris Manuelyan outlined the basic parameters of the budget and responded to questions given by the citizens of Burgas. The meeting was attended Ombudsman Tanio Atanasov and municipal councilors.
Dr. Manuelyan determine the budget as balanced, despite the serious financial situation. Arch. Ilieva, adding that the budget is a pretty serious investment intentions. This year, much attention is paid to the central part of Bourgas. Funds for investment projects are in two directions - on the capital program of the municipality and the operational programs of the EU - mainly in strands Cultural Infrastructure and Regional development and urbanization of the urban environment. Under the "Regional Development Financing with European money this year included the first stage of reconstruction of the pedestrian zone Alexandrovska from the station to the Square" troika "with its adjacent streets, reconstruction of Gurko Street with the renovation of green spaces , building veloaleya as a liaison with the pedestrian zone in the Sea garden center and complete reconstruction of the alley system, new lighting, replacement of park furniture in the new part of the recovery Sea Garden "Wall of fairy tales. Projects are prepared and are expected to be paid immediately after starting the program.
In the capital program of the municipality unless the current maintenance of the street network as the main emphasis in the central part of the city are full reconstruction of the streets "Hristo Botev" / from the station at San Stefano Street "s" Kaloyan ", together with replacement of water and sewerage network. Particular attention will be paid to bc "Renaissance", it will be done and complete reconstruction of St. Alexander the Great. Reconstruction of streets will be consistent in both lanes, so as not to cripple the movement. Will also complete the reconstruction of the kindergarten Rakovina, and will seek opportunities in the vicinity to distinguish the pockets of car parking facility for parents who keep their children and harvested.
Dr. Manuelyan highlight major investment in facilities provided by the social and health care. These are baby milk kitchens and home respite. Project is ready to build a children's kitchen in bc "Meden Rudnik" with capacity of 1200 users, designed in European standard. There will be preparing food and for social welfare provision in twin cuisine. Under the Operational Program of Social Ministry and the municipality will apply to a project to build a shelter for homeless people.
Most of the questions posed by citizens of Burgas, discussing the one relating to parking in the central part and partial repairs of the streets. Commissions of the local Parliament continued discussion on the project "Blue Zone" designed to reduce the number of cars in the center. Its introduction will be gradual. No parking will be done with SMS-and as the cars will be able to remain employed in the blue zone location no more than 3 hours. Living in the center of Burgas will be able to park in streets around the square from his home. The cars will be labeled with stickers that will be issued in registered address and will be paid about 60 euro a year. Parking in the vicinity of the center will be alleviated with the construction of parking at the back of the third medical center, with entrances from the street Oborishte and Gurko. It is intended to take about 700 cars. In the process of finalization and is building underground parking Square St. Cyril and Methodius. The problem with this stems from parking unexpired contract with the concessionaire, held conversations with him in order to take further action.
Participants in the meeting agreed on the view that to work the project "blue zone" is necessary controls to be increased, including the citizens themselves.
Public discussion of the B-2010 continues this evening with residents of TD "Liberation" from 18.00 pm in conference hall of the school "Anton Strashimirov.

27.01.2010 06:08
Ключови думи: обсъждане, бюджет, Мануелян, община Бургас
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