The New part of Nessebar
Administrative life is concentrated in the new part of Nessebar. This part of the town is characterized by its modern architecture. The hotels, guest houses and private lodgings are also modern and correspond to the latest trends in tourism. To the north and south of the town are wide beaches and natural sand dunes, whose crests form a fabulous natural phenomenon. Some of the leisure activities available are boat or yacht trips, fishing, rental bikes, water sports, etc.
TheSouth Park is located in the Southeastern part of the town on a territory of over 27 decares. During the creation of the park, four ancient tombs from 4th-3th century BC were discovered and axhibited. All plant species have been labeled with their Bulgarian and Latin name.
The Ancient part of Nessebar The ancient town with millennia-old history is on a romantic rocky peninsula, connected to the mainland via a narrow isthmus. Valuable monuments from all stages of its long existence are preserved here: remnants of fortress walls from Roman times and the Middle Ages, old Byzantine and Bulgarian churches, antique 18th and 19th century houses. The greatest treasure of the town are the numerous churches.
The Old Town is only 850 m long and 350 m wide. During various periods of its existence, it has lost 1/3 of its territory, eaten away by the sea.
Nessebar is the historic treasury of Bulgaria and in 1956 it was declared and recognized as museum city – archaeological and architectural reservation.
Today the old part of the town is an attractive place for romantic walks along the narrow cobbled streets, among the little shops offering hand crafted souvenirs – pottery, crocheting, and jewelry. The wonderful ancient ambiance is the background for an unforgettable holiday opportunity.
Старият Несебър е неповторимо културно и природно наследство на човечеството и няма да бъде отписван от световната съкровищница. Това заяви след специалното си...
Nessebar Hotels, Bulgaria
Family Hotels in Nessebar in Bulgaria
Bulgaria - Summer holidays on the Black sea coast
Bulgaria - Summer holidays in Nessebar
Accommodation in Nessebar, Nessebar
Room rentals, apartment Rentals - Nessebar, Bulgaria
Старият град е дълъг само 850 и широк 350 м. През различните периоди от своето съществуване е загубил 1/3 от територията си, която е пропаднала в морето. Останки от крепостните му стени и сега могат да се видят под водата на...
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