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The new budget of Burgas - a modest but ambitious, Bourgas, Burgas

Mayor of Burgas, Dimitar Nikolov, outlined the main parameters of the municipal budget for 2010 during a press conference in which took part and his deputies, he identified as inadequate, but ambitious. Emphasis will be infrastructure repairs in schools and kindergartens, as well as major works on key streets in the central part.
"I realize that repairs that began in 2010 will create much inconvenience to citizens. What should be done 20 years ago, beginning to do now. I hope people understand that we have more time for any delay - Burgas gasp - long streets do not meet the huge development over the years and increased traffic. Despite the expected outrage - will act boldly. Other means not to take anything, "hiding" behind the crisis, "Nikolov said at the press conference.
Macro framework of the new budget is 147 million BGN 163 million in last year. Part cost is balanced and focused on completing started in 2009th infrastructure initiatives of the municipality, but rather on new projects.
With the adoption and implementation of new budget Burgas Municipality will become the largest local employer, keeping many jobs / mainly in construction / and creating new ones.

* Many efforts Municipal Administration will focus on upgrading infrastructure in the central part in the complex "Renaissance". Extensive repairs of major roads will commence in 2010 and not all of them will be completed before the end. Many projects must first make its water communications, before the municipality to begin work on over-ground part. Tension and discomfort for people with certainty there will be. On this occasion, the mayor turned to Nikolov their fellow citizens to call for help and understanding, since each of the projects is connected with the development of the city and the greater convenience of the citizens of Burgas in the near future:

1. Reconstruction of Gurko Street for about 900 000 leva It must connect the renewed main street with renewed Marine Park
2. Reconstruction of the "Hristo Botev", which will last no less than 10 months.
3. Reconstruction of Street Seats "
4. Reconstruction of Kaloyan Street
5. Reconstruction of St. Maria Luisa
6. Reconstruction of St. Alexander the Great
7. Very important project is the establishment of a breakthrough by Yanko Komitov "Street to" Struga. This new section will facilitate movement around the hospital - Burgas, the movement of cars in the directions "Copper Mine" - "Renaissance" - Slaveikov and vice versa. The breakthrough will provide a better service to the new shopping area near the complex Slaveikov, which employ thousands of people, and are opening new outlets.

* Serious amount is earmarked for upgrading the educational infrastructure - 9.5 million

1. Will be completed three started last year kindergartens - The Kraimorie, ks "Copper Mine and central city area.
2. Will start construction of another new kindergarten - in zone C of the complex "Copper Mine.
3. Reconstruction and expansion of the Kindergarten № 2 in complex Zornitsa, which will be opened 4 new groups for a total of 120 children.
4. Overhaul of several schools: Building school, Elin Pelin, English / German School "Ivan Vazov" kindergarten "Andersen".

* Large project in the field of social work is to build a kitchen in the mother-complex "Copper Mine" in place of the old bakery. There will be prepared pet food and children's respite milk kitchen. Concentration of these services will enhance their quality and will enable to increase their users. Starting and design of several new protected housing.

* Continues the construction of sewers in Burgas and its constituent villages:
1. Sanitation in the village Marinka
2. Drainage of Dolno Ezerovo and "Victory"
3. Modernization of water supply and sewerage system of the complex "Copper Mine. There will soon start operating the new treatment plant.

* In 2010, the Sea Garden of Burgas meet its hundredth birthday. Municipal administration has prepared a clean project that sought funding amounting to around 3.5 million to complete reconstruction of the greater part of it / there is a mixed ownership, at a ratio of 70 percent against 30 percent municipal government part /. This includes a preasfaltirane alley network, replacement of lighting and irrigation system, installing new park furniture, building surveillance. Individual EU projects have won the strengthening of the landslide in the Summer Theater and reconstruction of sea Casino, whose real performance begins this year. Is ongoing and the design for the modernization and strengthening of the bridge.

* Reconstruction of the main street in Burgas - Alexandrovska. For this purpose, the Municipality of Burgas prepared excellent work project, which seeks BGN 4 million European funding to start operations in the modernization of Largo, in the first section Al Troika "- the railway station.

* Behind the Third polyclinic will be a separate new parking lot, which will take most of seeking parking spaces in the city center car. And there is mixed ownership - municipal and state, but Nikolov mayor has agreed with the leadership of the hospital - Bourgas for the effective use of terrain.

* Attention will be paid to the spaces in the complex. As an example, the mayor said Nikolov impending construction of streets in:

1. Bl. 55 - 56 Slaveikov
2. Bl. 136 - to 139 in "Sunrise"
3. Street under the new sports complex "Sunrise" in the direction of shop Veleka.

* In 2010, the municipality will be finished way Mineral Baths - Banevo - Izvorishte, which is being built with European funds earned by the Municipality of Burgas.

* In the new budget provided funds for the differentiation of in vitro-in Hospital Laboratory - Burgas

* This year and construction of the second round of the trolley system of the city - something that provides long, but he has not accomplished in previous years. He provides direction to cover Bulair "-" Democracy "- Stefan Stambolov -" River "-" San Stefano "- Botev. So the residents of Copper Mine, using trolley transport will directly reach the sea garden, and their children to the area of BFU - Construction school - Mehanotehnikum - School of Tourism.

Prepared and is scheduled to begin public hearings in byudzhet'2010 complexes and all constituent settlements of Burgas. The schedule is published on the municipality
The draft was already presented to the municipal councilors yesterday. In a separate meeting it was discussed with representatives of the Burgas banking sector and the Chairmen of Commerce - Industry - Burgas Tsanko Ivanov and loop Valcheva - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Burgas. The crisis dramatically off the cost of construction last year in Dub city infrastructure benefits that otherwise would cost many times more expensive, it was reported at the meeting.
Ahead and discuss the budget with various departments professional communities.

20.01.2010 06:33
Ключови думи: бюджет, Бургас, Димитър Николов, градска част, инфраструктура Бургас, Община Бургас, Общинска, администрация Бургас, МБАЛ Бургас, детска градина Бургас, Budget, Burgas, Dimitar Nikolov, part of the city, infrastructure, Burgas, Bourgas Municipality, Municipal, Administration Burgas, Burgas Hospital, kindergarten Burgas
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