If you are on a business trip looking for a luxurious and strategic situated hotel or you are on a vacation with your friends, Bulair is the hotel you may be looking for! Being at a distance of only 0.5 km from the central part of Bourgas city and 6 km from the airport the new luxurious Bulair hotel is the perfect place for every businessman who needs proximity to administration buildings and company offices. Merrymakers will find their entertainment paradise only 0.2 km from the Central train station and the nearest bus station and it is again Bulair hotel which is surrounded by many night clubs. Each room of the hotel has a TV set with cable television, air-conditioning, telephone, and a mini-bar. There are many additional services at the disposal of the hotel guests including: room-service, telephone waking up, taxi calling, reservation of air, train or bus tickets, rent-a-car, convenient place for car parking, safe, dry cleaning, medical care and etc. The hotel restaurant has a capacity of 30 seats.
8000 Бургас,
ул. "Булаир" № 7