According to the masters, this fact will affect znachitelnona effectiveness of systems xifrat not know how.
Otkrivatelite are matematitsi U.S. and Germaniyam, nokato with eima prdvid that our coding specialists are among the best - myanaanchin is not involved balgarian.
More than 12 years is continued work on rpoekta Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS), within which figures were found.
The largest number just opened on 23 August at the University of California. It contains 12 979 189 digits. The second day containing 11 185 272 figures, is open 2 weeks of earlier in Germany.
For readers: the simple numbers are such natural numbers (positive and zero goals), which is divided without a balance of only unit and of themselves - 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc.
Mathematical characteristics of these numbers are based very cryptography systems and demand their fund is sponsored by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which intends to establish in perspective xifrat system for data that is impossible to be broken down.
EFF matematitsi distributed prizes and a number of companies.
The demand for simple numbers is very important for mathematics, their existence is a sign that many computational problems can be solved in a simple way, said the fund"s founder John Gilmor.
U.S. and German scientists groups will receive 100 000 dollars for their discoveries. In addition, the EFF reminders that they have made prize of 150 000 dollars for those who simply open day with over 100 million and then 250 000 dollars for the opening of such number more than 1 billion characters.
18.09.2008 11:57
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