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Начало › Хотели › Шато Медово

Рай за ценители на виното, за любителите на романтичните преживявания и всички пътешественици, жадани да се потопят в българските обичаи, бит и култура. Медово е място, където магическата притча на традициите среща лукса и елегантността на съвременния винен туризъм. Само на 12 км. западно от летния курорт Слънчев бряг, то е идеалното кътче за почивка за тези, които искат да се насладят на чаша вино, възхитителна кухня, оригинални фолклотни спектакли в атмосфертата на старинна красота и вълшебство.
Шато Медово не е просто дестинация за туристи и любители на виното. То е възраждане на българската традиция Château Medovo is an ethnographic tourist complex built in authentic Bulgarian style. It is located within the village of Medovo, near the Black Sea coast, 22 km north-east of Bourgas and 12 km west of Sunny Beach. In the southern skirts of Stara Planina (Old Mountain), the village enjoys a mild breeze and cooler temperatures due to its higher elevation. The running water comes from natural mineral springs, perfect for drinking as well as for balneotherapy procedures.
At Château Medovo we offer:
Professional tasting of high-quality wines in a specially equipped winery room
Comfortable accommodation with a choice of one of seven apartments, or one of seven two-story family houses, which are available year-round.
A restaurant with traditional Bulgarian cuisine and a captivating folklore show
The unique Handicrafts Street, where you will be submerged in the spirit of 18th century Bulgarian lifestyle, and you will be taught handicraft techniques by the skilled artisans.
For our foreign guests, we have planned a journey of unforgettable moments with a special selection of superb wines and age-old customs.
With its unique atmosphere, Château Medovo is also suitable for private parties, weddings, cocktails, presentations, and promotions of new and luxurious products. Special events guest capacity – 500 people. Accommodation guest capacity – 50 people.
Winery and Tastings
The highlight of the complex is the boutique winery and cellar. Equipped with the latest wine-making technology, the winery produces a limited batch of 400,000 bottles of whites and reds per year. The unique construction of the facility allows guests to observe the wine-making process as well as the cellar where the wine ages in oak barrels and bottles. A specially equipped wine-tasting room and two wine shops are available to the guests interested in trying and buying our exclusive products carrying the Medovo brand.
Wine tasting events are conducted daily and can be pre-arranged by request. These can feature products from Medovo as well as from the other brands which are part of the holding (Vinex Preslav, Khan Krum, Château Rossenovo, and others). A choice of wines can be presented on site, or a wine tour may be organized so that our guests can visit the other wineries, all of which are located in remarkable places of rich historical and cultural heritage. For those interested in cultural exploration, a special exhibition by the Bourgas ethnographic museum is also featured at the complex.
Our guests are welcome to stay at Château Medovo in one of the seven apartments or the seven two-story family houses, which are available for accommodation throughout the year. Each apartment consists of an entrée with a restroom, dining room and kitchen area with two large sofas (90 by 200 cm), and spacious bedroom with a separate restroom. It is equipped with Bulgarian style furniture, two TV sets, minibar, microwave oven, kitchenware and others. An apartment hosts up to 4 people. Each house is arranged as follows: 1st floor – entrée, living room with a couch that stretches into a bedroom suite, dining room (for up to 6 people), kitchen area and a restroom; 2nd floor – bedroom, double room, one restroom, and two balconies. It is equipped with Bulgarian style furniture, three TV sets, minibar, microwave oven, kitchenware and others. A house hosts up to 6 people.
The whole Château exhibits traditional architecture from the Bulgarian National Revival period. The buildings, which incorporate dry masonry (Kotel style) and original wooden elements, are surrounded by beautiful cobblestone pathways and isles. The ambience is reminiscent of a typical 18th century village, where the coziness of a plain lifestyle is combined with the comfort of modern luxurious resorts.
More culture and tradition are revealed through the authentic Bulgarian cuisine offered in the amphitheater restaurant – an open-air seating area that hosts up to 450 people. A smaller VIP indoor salon with 50 seats operates year-round, and caters to the special tastes of our guests. During the summer season, besides the delicious food, the outdoor restaurant also offers viewing of exclusive music and dance performances, and original folklore spectacles.
Handicrafts Street
A key attraction inside the walls of Château Medovo is the Handicrafts Street where various artisans using original Middle Age techniques are producing pottery, silver, knives and swords, copper, textiles, woodwork, and others. In addition, visitors are able to see and taste home-made foods such as khalva, Turkish delight, coffee on sand, white jam, and others. Visitors may volunteer to participate and to be trained in any of the handicrafts. The workshops on the Street remain open from 10:00 to 21:00 o"clock Monday through Sunday during the summer season.
Château Medovo
Village of Medovo
District of Bourgas
Tel: +359 878 973143
Tel: +359 878 973146
Tel: +359 878 973147
16 Sveta Nedelia Sqr
Sofia 1000
New York
Cell: +1 607 262 0700
